Monday, November 26, 2007

Five weeks post-op

My first week experimenting with solid foods! I hadsmoked chicken ground up with a tsp. of Miracle WhipLight (MWL) on crackers - enough for several days -but still a wonderful change. I've had boiled eggs,chopped and mixed with a little mustard and MWL oncrackers with salt added. Also a yummy addition. Yesterday, I had fresh cantelope, pineapple and orangeslices. I never thought anything would taste so good!I am working on a southwestern chicken salad fromMcDonalds. It comes with a wedge of lime so Isqueezed the lime juice on it instead of the dressing.It is really good but will last me for two or moremeals. I have had raisins for snacks. I have beentrying protein shakes with yogurt for breakfast butthey have been too heavy and sweet so I'm looking fora good protein alternative. I'm also trying to set upa good exercise routine along with my noon jauntsaround the long halls at work. Good thoughts outthere to everyone!

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