Monday, November 26, 2007

5 months post-op

I'm down 84 lbs. I am not back on any prescriptionmeds although they are watching my BP closely. It isnot as high as it was before surgery but it isborderline. I have lost 28 inches so far. I'm notsure what size I am but can wear a 14/16 pant and 1Xtop - down from 28 pants and 28/30 top (3X or 4Xdepending on the style). I had a few days of acidreflux but determined I was eating too much too late. I remedied that and have had no further episodes buthave medication just in case it comes back. I amdedicated to the program but do allow myself a fewtreats. I have 6-month labs next month and am anxiousto see the results.

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